We are too disposed to forget that each action of our life shall at some moment be performed for the last time. It often seems as if we shall continue forever to fulfill certain routines of duties or enjoyments; but this shall never be. At length we are going to breathe our last, and then face God. How will it go for you, when your time comes, dear reader? Will you be numbered among those who, having repented of their sins and put their trust on the Savior, shall be given a grand entrance into heaven? or among those who, having failed to receive God's offer of salvation, shall suffer the torments of hell for all eternity? Think about it.
Some people allow their thoughts and desires to be chained down to earth by business duties or the worldly worries of everyday life. They are absorbed in these as if there were nothing higher or better. The sweet duty of prayer is neglected. They do not meditate on the great truths of God's holy word. Even the Lord's day makes only little difference; there is no real seeking after God's kingdom and righteousness. But you must not give up on your brightest and highest privilege. Do not cast off the joys which might in all other respects mix with your most ordinary duties. “Don’t pile up treasures on earth, where moth and rust can spoil them and thieves can break in and steal. But keep your treasure in Heaven where there is neither moth nor rust to spoil it and nobody can break in and steal. For wherever your treasure is, you may be certain that your heart will be there too!” ( Matthew 6:19-21 ) If you are then “risen” with Christ, reach out for the highest gifts of Heaven, w...